Hitler During The 1940s: An Analysis

Words: 1163
Pages: 5

Imagine one day your life was going great. You are healthy, and your family is healthy. You are doing well financially, and everything is coming together. Now, imagine in the blink of an eye all that comes to an end and you are stripped of your natural human rights. Jews experienced this horrific act of violence during the second world war under Hitler. Nazi Germany described Jews as sub humans and they were stealing jobs from other citizens in the country. Each Jew suffered horribly in that most lost their property, families, and dignity. The Jews were put in camps where they performed harsh labor and lived in terrible conditions. The Jews were malnourished and punished for things so simple as to looking at an SS officer wrong. In the novel …show more content…
The Nazi leadership had many plans for their new order in that they would only accept certain people that had similar genetics to the people in Germany. Those who did not fit in were to be killed or removed. Unfortunately, this meant the Jews. Hitler explained how he wanted to get rid of the entire Jewish population in Europe altogether leading to the genocide of the Jews. Germans took over different businesses owned by Jews and land as well. Hitler was an extreme dictator who manipulated the minds of the German people. His followers were very loyal to the government and participated in the genocide of the Jews. At first, Hitler ordered for the Jews to be grouped together and shot in cold blood. This strategy did not last due to the overwhelmingly number of bodies that were lying around. Therefore, the government decided to create concentration camps with gas chambers that can kill a large amount of people at a time. The Nazis participated in the Wannsee Conference where they discussed creating the world’s largest mass murder in history (Berenson p. 594). After the conference, four concentration camps were created; the worst was Auschwitz. The SS officers sent a large number of Jews to Auschwitz to be killed and others who were able to escape had to perform difficult tasks that stripped them of their human