How Burmese Pythons Are Changing The Everglades

Words: 453
Pages: 2

Many animals have made the Everglades their home. Some of these animals are native species and other species have been introduced over the years and turned into invasive species. The Burmese python is an example of one of these invasive species. They have changed local animal populations in the Everglades. Also, Burmese pythons have caused people to come to the Everglades to hunt them. The presence of Burmese pythons is changing the Everglades by lowering animal populations and causing people to hunt pythons when they visit the Everglades. First, what do Burmese pythons look like, and how did they get here? A Burmese python is a large snake that averages about 6-9 ft in length. They can become a lot bigger than that though, in source 1 paragraph