How Did Technology Influence The Development Of The Roman Empire

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Pages: 3

The Roman Empire was one of the most influential and powerful empires of the Classical Era. Throughout its reign, the Roman Empire worked toward the advancement of technology. However, as time progressed, Christianity became the dominant religion, and Roman military power declined because of large borders and invasion. Technological advancements and public works projects heavily influenced the stability and power of the Roman Empire. From the time that Rome was merely a small city-state, military leaders used innovative tactics to effectively conquer surrounding peoples. Because the empire was so vast, Roman leaders invested in roads and bridges that encourage trade and united faraway areas. In 312 BCE, Appius Claudius Caecus commissioned …show more content…
Initially, it was very effective. The army was ruthless, consisting of organized, brutal, and extremely loyal soldiers willing to do anything for their country. For hundreds of years, Rome continued to expand while remaining protected due to the sheer size and force of its military. However, the Roman border eventually became to large to control and its defense too expensive to be sustained. In the 300s C.E., steadily increasing numbers of Germanic people entered Rome, both as refugees and mercenaries. Ultimately these tribes overtook Roman emperors and established their own kingdoms. In 476 C.E., the German general Odoacer overthrew the last remaining Roman emperor, marking the true extinction of the Western Roman Empire. The longstanding success of the Roman Empire can be contributed largely to the leaders’ unwavering dedication to public works and technological advancement. The empire was also strengthened when the transition from early Paganism to Christianity was made. However, as the empire became larger, the military was less effective. The directly contributed to the Germanic invasions that helped to cause the fall of