How Does Atticus Finch Change In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 7

Like many other aspects of life, parenting styles change through the ages to reflect the evolution of society; as generations pass, various moral lessons differ in significance to a child coming of age in a particular time. To begin with, in Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Atticus Finch, the father of the protagonist Scout and her brother Jem, teaches his children three imperative lessons that are significantly ahead of his time. First of all, Atticus imposes his courageous characteristics onto his children by reacting to the events of the town with bravery and wisdom. Secondly, the children learn empathy through Atticus’ lessons about showing compassion for others, no matter the circumstances. Another vital lesson taught to the children through Atticus is the importance of not being prejudiced, and to embrace all members of a community, despite negative stigma surrounding a particular group of people. For a child who is maturing, courage is an extremely beneficial trait to display, and Atticus teaches his children to be courageous through his own actions, his interpretations, and explanations regarding the conduct of others. Firstly, Atticus Finch is extremely effective in his parenting due to the fact that he does not only demonstrate courage, but he …show more content…
Children’s opinions and actions are based on those of their parents, and Atticus Finch uses this to his children's advantage, as he demonstrates three major characteristics which he imposes onto his children. The three principal character traits that Atticus’ behaviour exhibits are necessary to a child's success include courage, empathy, and a lack of prejudice. Children are the leaders of the tomorrow, so without parents raising their children to challenge today’s norms, our society would be incapable of change, and therefore progress would be