How Is George Washington Related To The Revolutionary War

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Pages: 2

Washington, George
George Washington was the commander of America’s army. He was selected as commander during the Second Continental Congress. After the Americans won in the war, Washington was elected president of the United States. He served for 2 terms before absolutely refusing to serve a 3rd term. Washington’s 2-term limit was the unwritten rule for all presidents until 1940.

In the Revolutionary War, caught spies and other enemies were executed. For example, Nathan Hale was a spy for the Patriots, the British caught him spying on the troops, and he was hanged. John Andre was also a spy but for the British, and he was caught too. Washington ordered him hanged, but he was not the spy they were looking for. Patriots like John Hancock were also ordered executed.

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George Washington, who was a General at the time led 17,000 troops consisting of not only Continental soldiers, but also French soldiers into Yorktown, Virginia to fight against a British General named Lord Charles Cornwallis and his army of 9,000 British troops. The Battle of Yorktown was considered to be the most important battle of the Revolutionary War because of the fact that one of the best British Generals was forced to surrender against the Continental Army after they pretty much backed them into a corner and captured them. Something crazy that happened was that one of the troops in the Continental Army, named Benedict Arnold, tried to make a plot to betray the colonists and turn around 15 or more troops against them only to get completely wiped out. The Battle of Yorktown ended the Revolutionary War and the new country of the United States emerged