Illuminati Conspiracy

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Pages: 5

Believe or not believe on the Illuminati? The Illuminati was a secret society it was funded in the around the year existed 1776 in France because of many of its beliefs the Roman Catholic church was afraid of what they could do so they decided to try to eliminate them but researchers about the Illuminati claim that they were not destroyed they just went into the shadows. Many believe that the Illuminati and the New World Order(NWO) are the same thing, the New World Order is secret society in charge of the world many of its member are government officials, singers, writer,and actors. There is proof that the Illuminati and the NWO exist we can see them in the government, there are references of them in social media, and there is a website for members.

The Illuminati and New World Order conspiracy this is a very famous conspiracy, that says that members of these secret society are infiltrated into the government, very high ranking offices and that many of them are celebrities. Their purpose is to gain influence to establish a new world order and this society has been around for more than 200 years and the Roman Catholic church became
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They say that there is not enough proof that they exist but in a world that has references to this secret society in everything we have been able to see them in tv shows, artists and in the high ranking officials in the government also many other say that they did not even exist but in fact they exist and as many other societies in the world they just went into the shadows to hide from people that try to restrain their beliefs and this happened to one of the major religions in our society when they were being persecuted the Christians they went into the shadows when they felt that they were being threatened by the Romans this could have happened to the Illuminati