Innocent Stranger Research Paper

Words: 1655
Pages: 7

Dominic McQuery Dr.Riser English IV February 16, 2024.

Innocent Strangers “ We cannot shoot our way to justice, We cannot lynch our way to liberty, We cannot nuke our way to peace, We cannot hate our way to humanity.”- Abhijit Naksar We are all different. Whether it be the language we speak, the clothes we wear, the way we communicate with others, or the memories we have. We are all unique in our own way. We build on our strengths and weaknesses and our character is molded to the world around us and how we convey ourselves in how we live. If we ourselves are so unique, then why are we so critical of those who also carry on to be the same kind of disparate? Why are their languages so menacing, their clothes so unrestrained and discerning, their
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Johnson, passed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was signed into law to preserve American homogeneity by limiting immigration to 120,000 immigrants per year. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 also acted by placing immigrants into 1 of 7 categories and priority was placed upon factors such as whether you were already an American citizen, or where you were immigrating from, or if you were seeking asylum with refugees being placed in the last category. This act was repealed on July 1, 1968 after the act was scrutinized by many lawmakers for being racially discriminatory. The Hart-Celler act is an example of a government policy being used to discriminate against a culture that was not an American culture in respect to the origin of the person being discriminated against for not being born in America. We have spoken about government violence, and government policy being used to kill and or reduce the number of foreign people in a nation state. What about violence against another person in an act of xenophobia, as an act of individual violence that was not enacted or sanctioned by a …show more content…
The KKK was initially established as a secret society with the aim of promoting white supremacy and opposing the political and social advancements of African Americans. As the KKK grew, it quickly gained a reputation for its violent tactics, which included acts of intimidation, harassment, and even murder of African Americans and other minority groups in targeted with acts of terror, such as lynchings and cross burnings, in an effort to instill fear and maintain white dominance. The consequences of the KKK's actions were widespread and devastating. Countless lives were lost or irreparably harmed as a result of the group's hateful ideology. Communities were torn apart by fear and division, with trust and unity eroded by the specter of violence and discrimination. Moreover, the legacy of the KKK and its message of hate continues to reverberate today. While the group's influence has waned in recent decades, its racist ideology still persists in pockets of society, fueling xenophobia and bigotry.

Overall, it is evident through the discussion of what xenophobia is and means that xenophobia has been a prevalent issue throughout history, whether it be enacted through government policies, individual violence, or hate groups. Fear of the unknown and the unfamiliar has led to discrimination, violence, and tragedy