Intersectional Feminism In Bell Hooks

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Pages: 7

Bell Hooks is right many men and some women pride their selves over having power over someone, especially men. When a man is in a relationship one of his traits to be the breadwinner, the boss and any other way is unacceptable. He is supposed to make the rules and if his wife or girlfriend tells him to do something and he does it he is “whipped” and losses his card of masculinity. Hooks says, “ …Masculinity teaches men that their sense of self and identity, their reason for being, resides in the capacity to dominate others” (pg. 70). This hold true for many men, power and being a leader is seen as a male trait while the women are suspected to always follow the leader. But this idea also affects women because it encourages women to take lower …show more content…
Intersectional feminism also took into consideration class and sexual orientation. In todays society we see a lot of systems based on class dynamics. The United States is all about class and is organized into class systems, but this hurts most people on the bottom of the list. Unfortunately, what becomes important when discussing different topics of concerns is your status in society. The prevalence of sexism in our society has always been a problem, but it wasn’t until recently, when it hit mainstream media, that people have begun to pay attention to it. Lena Dunham’s and many more famous feminist activists have bought attention to feminism. We have movements such as “Free the nipple,” “ The Slut Walk,” and the “He for She Campaign” that has been publicized by celebrities such as Amber Rose and Emma Watson, but there are many other aspects of feminism that should be given focus right now. Where are the mainstream campaigns about women making less than men for doing the same job, or little girls in sweat shops, or rape cultures? We don’t see many campaigns like these who have famous supporters to give there causes …show more content…
It was romantic and was full of drama. It had a good plot and aimed to tell a story about love and war. A story that is so prevalent in our society, but often gets ignored. I Got You told a story and it was a true story about how cruel our society is. It also told a story about love and its obstacles and triumphs. It was realistic on the way it portrayed love and it difficulties and not giving a false view.
What I have come to understand is our system is corrupted; it is built on superficial beliefs and inconsiderate thoughts. It is going to take many years to change the way we as a society think about different people. For many, accepting those people who are different is going to be a difficult and challenging task. For others, acceptance is already here. We have to realize our thoughts are tainted and our society is lopsided with inequalities and until we change people will continue to get