Gender Wage Gap

Words: 2291
Pages: 10

Introduction: The contemporary evaluation of the gender wage gap sheds light on the deeply entrenched systemic injustices prevailing within the workforce. With women earning only approximately 63% of what men do on average, this glaring disparity in compensation not only impacts women directly but also exacerbates wage gaps among marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals and transgender individuals. Moreover, women of colour face compounded hurdles, receiving lower wages than their white counterparts across diverse industries despite possessing similar qualifications. The existence of discriminatory hiring practices and limited access to resources worsens disparities and creates significant barriers to career advancement. In response …show more content…
Through the lens of intersectional feminist theory, informed by critical insights from human capital theory and discrimination theories, this essay underscores the imperative for multifaceted approaches to combat the gender wage gap and rectify systemic injustices within the workplace. It advocates for policy reforms and cultural transformations crucial for realizing gender equity and economic justice on a broader societal scale.

Contemporary Assessment of the Gender Wage Gap: The current state of the gender wage gap underscores systemic inequities in the workforce. Women earn only about 63% of what men do on average, emphasizing the stark disparity in pay. This wage gap not only affects women but also exacerbates wage disparities among marginalized groups, such as LGBTQ+ individuals and transgender people. Additionally, women of colour face compound challenges, earning less than their white counterparts across various industries despite similar qualifications. They also encounter barriers to career advancement due