Japan Essay

Submitted By Pizanok20
Words: 696
Pages: 3

Karen Pizano
Timothy Ducey
Period 3
December 2, 2014

Japan: Sushi Economy

The story
The Sushi Economy is a reading about the first international tour of sushi’s journey in the global market. It takes you through the massive street markets in Tokyo of Tsukiji market. There they sell millions of dollars of fish each day. It gives off distinctive flavors of chef’s being watched as they show the makings of sushi. It’s the way of uncovering the behind the scenes and history of sushi from how it became involved with the world and how it started in Japan. The new sushi economy has challenged the way we see the globe. For centuries Japan’s culture has shown and shared the process of sushi all around which has helped changed the Japanese economy by expanding it and making it greater.
Japanese Sushi Economy has became the representative food of
Japan. In Tsukiji, Japan, sushi is held in the world­wide food market that

brings a big attraction from all around. “In Tokyo restaurants, tuna is such a must have item that we say if you don’t have tasty tuna at your restaurant then your sign saying you’re a ‘traditional sushi bar’”
(Issenberg 103). The sushi system of tuna is the trophy fish. It is the most demanded by diners, it is also tested as a benchmark of a restaurant’s main goal in being the best. With the whole concept of fishing; setting them to sell at fish markets, having auctions in selling the best fish, and sending sushi to all around the world is Japan’s alignment in keeping the economy steady and as well as raising.
Ever since the Japanese culture featured the making of sushi, it was then that people had been affected by economic factors. “The standards, too, are far from absolute, adjusted to tastes that vary from city to city in
Japan and from country to country around the world” (103). Since sushi had became a primary food in not only in Japan but well known all around. Fish is the key element of the Japanese economy. Without the fish and the well taken care of sea that contains good fish, Japan’s

economy and the people of Japan would have nothing to offer. “When it comes to their food culture, the Japanese have always been borrowers and fusionists” (108). It was then the beginning of a control that had set
Japan to carefully manage its resources to its best standards.
”The new sushi economy has challenged the way we see the globe.
Food has always been a point of negotiation between people and their environment” (105). Generation after generation, the Japanese economy had figured out the process and