Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

Words: 353
Pages: 2

Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood Jeffrey Dahmer is well known as the Milwaukee cannibal, he did some horrible things. To understand why he did what he did, we need to look back at his childhood. His life as a kid probably had a big impact on how he turned out as an adult. He started killing at the age of 18 in 1978 till his arrest in 1991 he used to lure people into his apartment by getting them drunk and then he would kill them and take pictures of the corpses. He killed at least 17 people and he would only go for males because he was gay. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was in a middle class family with just one younger brother. Jeffrey had hernia surgery at a very young age. As a kid, Jeffrey was fascinated with dead