John Proctor's Pride In The Crucible

Words: 424
Pages: 2

Many people don’t realize that twenty-four people had died during the Salem witch trials. Nineteen of them hung, one crushed to death by rocks, and four died in prison awaiting trial. In the Crucible by Arthur Miller, a man named John Proctor was one of the victims to this tragic event. John had shown many qualities in life before his death. Such as how blunt-spoken and stern he was, and his pride.

The first quality of John Proctor is how he is so blunt-spoken. The reader can see this quality in the scene when John has brought Mary Warren to the courthouse so she can tell the court that everything was fake. Abigail starts to act as if there is a shadow in the room and starts to shiver as if she was cold. John yells out “It is a whore!” (1148).