King Hammurabi: Breaking The Law

Words: 422
Pages: 2

The king Hammurabi’s code are fair for some people like the people who broke the law. of Mesopotamia was Hammurabi he ruled for 42 years but the first 30 years he ruled over the city. He made really good laws but some of them were really bad to have as a punishment. Hammurabi made these laws in Mesopotamia so the people who lived in the city wouldn’t go crazy and do whatever they wanted to do in the city. If he didn’t make these laws the people would just steal, rob, cheat, put harm to other people, and have illegal slaves. He made these laws in 30 years but he was king for 42 years so for the first 20 years he made laws for the city. Shamash gave the laws to Hammurabi. They would write in Prologue is the write they used to write on stele