Mandatory Civil Services Pros And Cons

Words: 278
Pages: 2

Does the youth of the United States of America have an obligation to the Civil Services? This Informative article will present you with the history, pros, and cons for Mandatory Civil service. First off will be the history of the topic, followed by the support, thirdly will be the opposition, and finally the conclusion. Civil services have helped this country in many ways. The first of witch that comes to mind is that of president Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR established the Youth Works Administration, the YWA for short, during one of Americas most trying times. The YWA was created to help young unmarried men. It was run by the military and demanded much respect from the participants, these young men went around the country planting trees, digging ditches, building wildlife shelters, and many more things to help our country. Programs for young people to go out and work have worked in the past but they were not mandatory. …show more content…
With Mandatory Civil Services it may help students get out of there comfort zones and start doing something for the greater good. Suppose all Sophomores were required to work for a volunteer organization for one month before graduation, they would all get valuable life and social skills. Students would both help the Country and help themselves. There are some people who do not agree with all of these statements being opposed to Mandatory Civil