Mercutio Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 3

When people read the tragedy Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, they think the bad stuff that happened in the book was either Romeo and Juliet’s fault or it was all the work of fate. But what if it was neither of those thing? In the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo’s friend Mercutio was the person who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death.

The play Romeo and Juliet is a play mainly about two people, Romeo and Juliet. The story starts off with two servants fighting. One from the house Montague, the other from the house Capulet. The two houses have been locked into a feud for as long as anyone can remember. But one night, Romeo Montague meets Juliet Capulet at a party and they almost instantly fall in love. They have to keep in a secret though, since they are supposed to be enemies. All is good until one small part of the play. Mercutio’s death. This spirals the play into darkness. Only bad things occur. Mercutio is the reason why Romeo and Juliet die in the play.

First off, as I said before, Mercutio’s death is pretty much the end of the happy part of the play. The play goes from things like a party, finding love, happiness, into things like Banishment, depression, and death. Romeo is banished and the two lovers don’t get to
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Romeo’s character flaw to being way too emotional comes up multiple times in the book, such as wanting to kill himself, killing Paris, buying the poison, and falling in love with juliet in the first place. But the main time it comes up is in killing Tybalt. When Mercutio is killed, Romeo’s emotions act up and he gets very angry. HE gets to the point where the only option is to kill Tybalt. He regretted it immediately, knowing he gets too emotional. He says “O, I am fortune’s fool!” (3.1.142) He is pretty much saying that fortune, or maybe even Mercutio’s curse, is the reason he got that angry and killed