Friar Lawrence's Fault

Words: 391
Pages: 2

Who is to blame for the countless bloodsheds in William Shakespeare's play ‘Romeo and Juliet’. In fact the person who is at fault for all the deaths are Friar Lawrence. Friar makes not only one, but four mistakes that all lead up to their deaths. He gave a potion to Juliet, he trusted someone else with a letter of great importance to deliver to Romeo, he fled at Juliet's tomb instead of trying to help her, and marrying Romeo and Juliet. Had he not have made these mistakes, no one would be dead. First Friar Lawrence Made a huge mistake that he could a voided himself. If only had thought out a his plan better. He trusted Juliet, an unstable fourteen year old- with a potion to make her look dead. Friar said ‘’if thou hast the strength