My Daughter Essay

Submitted By mashutts22
Words: 444
Pages: 2

March 2012, was a day that changed my life forever. I realized I was fourteen weeks pregnant with my second child. Little did I know how much different this pregnancy was, from my first one. It was April everything was going good, or so I thought. My husband and I were going in for a routine sonogram when I was eighteen weeks, it was to check to see how the baby was growing. We waited anxiously for the doctor, it looked like I had a great sonogram the baby was growing right on track. The doctor comes in and says, we are sorry, but it looks like babys stomach is on the outside. We were devestated. They gave me the option to go to the perenetal center, (a place for women with high risk pregnancies). They told me by baby had a ten percent surivial rate. The next week we were off to the center, they gave me a sonogram to confirm, what my other doctor had previously saw. We meet with my new doctor, she tells us the baby has a large omphalocele, and we are not sure if the baby will survive. I decide to continue with my pregnancy. I declined all of those chromosonal tests, I was scared of what they might say. They said that the baby would be born a premature, before 30 weeks, and would have to stay in the NICU, and have surgery. In July of 2012. everything was going great, the baby is a girl. she seems to be doing okay. So on Auguest 9th I was in the doctors office having a stress test done, they told me I was having contractions so they sent me to the hospital. I wasn't dialated so they sent me home. On Auguest 11, I felt so sick like I was