My Senior Exit Project

Words: 558
Pages: 3

When finding out about the criteria for the presentation, this portion of the senior exit project became the most daunting. An example is, the time limit. My presentation has no videos to take up a couple of minutes so I was intimidated by the fact that I would have to talk for a straight eight to ten minutes about one project and I believed I was going to be short on time. While planning out my delivery I quickly realized the opposite. In fact, you gain so much information on your topic, your process, and your downfalls/ solutions that I found myself having to cut out information from my speech. In past experiences of having to do a presentation we had powerpoints that had the things we were going to say on them. For this project we only had a presentation with a few bullet points to go off of and most of my slides only had pictures on them. The flashcards really helped with this and my ability to remember all the points that I needed to hit in the eight to ten minutes. However, during the presentation I found myself not having to use them as much as I did due to how much I practiced before my presentation day. While preparing for the presentation I was so grateful that we were able to practice in class in front an audience. To be honest, practicing in front of the class was more nerve-wracking than being in front of the judges in the end.