Net Neutrality Case Study

Words: 522
Pages: 3

Net neutrality means that every person and company gets their information at the same speed no matter what service they are using. people that are against net neutrality are internet providers like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T. what they want is to be able to charge for two different speeds of internet. They call them fast lanes and slow lanes. now what this means is that if you paid the extra money for the fast lane then you would get your information faster then everyone that has the basic or slow lane connection. this also means that the internet provider could cut off the use of a service unless you pay extra for it. like if Comcast didn't let you use facebook, youtube and gaming unless you payed an extra $30. along with you having to pay extra for some content, the content providers will have to pay the internet companies to be put …show more content…
now with all the small business' getting put in the slow lanes since they can't afford to pay for fast lane access that leaves the fast lanes open to all the big companies. but with some of the companies like Netflix would have to pay millions for fast lane access thus causing them to raise the cost of using the service meaning some people might get rid of it. and if this pattern continues for an extended period of time then Netflix would go out of business. if Net Neutrality were to fail then every person that uses the internet would be affected. Without Net Neutrality that would mean that internet providers could charge whatever they wanted for certain services from the internet. Also, some services would get slowed down unless you pay to get them faster like Facebook, Netflix, Youtube and Twitter as just a couple examples. I am in favor of Net Neutrality because if you make it harder for people to share and receive information, then it becomes harder to improve the