No One Can Hear My Closet Quotes

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Pages: 2

‘My closet is a good thing, a quiet place that helps me hold these thoughts inside my head where no one can hear them.’ As Mel starts the Second Marking Period, she starts to assess and analyse the closet. One day while she’s redecorating she starts realizing things.‘There is a beast in my gut, I can hear it scraping away at the inside of my ribs. Even if I dump the memory, it will stay with me, straining me.’ Mel slowly starts to accept that the closet is her safe haven. A place that lets her escape her mind, but at the same time, a place where she is forced to face them. One strong theme that is constant in the story is the idea of people judging Mel. This theme plays a stronger role throughout the book but is first introduced within the first quote above. ‘where no one can hear them.’ During the school year Mel has to deal with people judging her; for her clothes, her appearance, and her episode at the party. Her parents judge her for not speaking, labeling it as Mel’s way for gaining attention. Heather judges Mel for the rumors and because Mel's depressed’. Nobody, save Mr. Freeman, actually takes the effort to see through the first layer in everything that concerns Mel. She’s constantly subjected to other people’s opinions and the closet is where Mel can go to escape the unwanted and unnecessary comments. …show more content…
She puts up posters and art pieces to try to make it perfect, but it never will be, because it's always going to be just a janitor's closet. It's a metaphor for her life. For most of the book, Mel is trying to hide the fact that she got raped. She disguises herself as a high schooler going over a rough patch in life when in actuality, Mel’s trying to cover up the fact that she was sexually assaulted. That closet kept her alive in the crazy world of high school.It was a place where Mel could pretend everything was alright and everything was going to be