Essay on Not Reliable

Submitted By ivetters
Words: 769
Pages: 4

Word | Definition | Synonyms | Antonyms | Adroit | adj. skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind | clever, deft dexterous, slick | clumsy, inept, all thumbs | Benefactor | n. one who does good to others | patron, humanitarian | misanthrope, malefactor | Destitute | adj. deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in | wanting, devoid, impoverished, penniless | rich, wealthy, luxurious, bountiful, full, replete | Explicit | adj. definite clearly stated | distinct, forthright, unambiguous, clear | vague, ambiguous, implied, implicit | Gibe | v. To utter taunting words; n. an expression of scorn | v. ridicule mock deride jeer | n. compliment, praise | Inclement | adj. stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action | blustery, tempestuous, implacable | mild, gentle, balmy, tranquil | Nostalgia | n. a longing for something past; homesickness | | | Pliable | Adj. easily bent, flexible; easily influenced | supple adaptable, resilient | rigid inflexible, recalcitrant | Sojourn | n. a temporary stay; v. to stay for a time | v. visit, stopover, brief stay | |

Tepid | adj. lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest | insipid, halfhearted, wishy-washy | skim, scan, glance at | Adulterate | v. to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value | contaminate, pollute, sully | purify, purge, expurgate | Benevolent | adj. kindly, charitable | benign, well-meaning | malicious, spiteful, malevolent | Diffident | adj. shy lacking self-confident; modest, reserved | timid, bashful, unassertive, withdrawn | bold, brash, audacious, self-confident, jaunty | Extirpate | v. to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally | uproot, eradicate, wipe out, excise | implant, sow, foster, nourish | Grimace | n. a wry face, facial distortion; v. to make a wry face | n. pained expression, facial contortion | n. smile, grin; v. beam | Jeopardy | n. smile, grin; v. beam | risk, hazard, peril | safety, security | Nonchalant | adj. cool and confident, unconcerned | composed, unruffled, indifferent, blase | perturbed, agitated, disconcerted, abashed | Plod | v. to walk slowly; to work slowly | lumber, trudge | antonyms: scamper, skip, prance | Remiss | adj neglectful in performance of one’s duty, careless | negligent, lax, slack | antonyms: scrupulous, dutiful, punctilious |

Solace | n. comfort, relief; v. to comfort, console | : v. soothe, reassure, cheer up | v. vex, aggravate, upset | Uncanny | adj. strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation | eerie, inexplicable, spooky | | Alienated | v. to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer convey | separate, drive apart, estrange | befriend, attract, captivate, reconcile | Brandish | v. to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion | swing, shake | | Discrepancy | n. a difference; lack of agreement | disagreement, divergence, inconsistency | agreement, convergence, consistency | Fallow | adj. plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow; n. land left unseeded; v. to plow but not seed | stimulate, excite, gladden | productive,, fertile, prolific | Harass | v. to disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks | synonyms: annoy, pester, bedevil | |

Omniscient | adj knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding | wise, all-knowing | ignorant, unknowing | Pungent | adj. causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting | sharp, spicy, piquant, caustic, racy | bland, unappetizing, colorless, insipid | Repose | repose v. to rest; lie; place; n. relaxation, peace of mind, calmness | v. sleep; n. tranquility, respite | n. exertion, wakefulness, tumult, bustle, ado | Stately | adj. dignified, majestic | grand, magnificent, imposing | lowly, humble, servile, abject | urbane | adj. refined in manner or style, suave | elegant | crude, uncouth, boorish | amicable | adj. peaceable, friendly | congenial, neighborly, cordial | hostile, antagonistic | cogent | adj. forceful,