Nt1310 Unit 3 Lab Report

Words: 424
Pages: 2

10. When will you be required to use the spill kit in a healthcare setting?
 The spill kit is used for cleaning the spills like bloods, body fluids, chemical spills or other unknown liquid spills.

11. You walk into the patient’s room and find that the person’s Catheter bag is leaking and there is urine on the floor beside the patient’s bed. Describe how you would respond and what is the process for cleaning up the spill?
 The procedure for cleaning up a leaking catheter bag is:
• Must wear appropriate PPE.
• Stop the leaking in the catheter bag and drain out the catheder bag.
• Clean up the urine spoil using paper towel to soak and absorbant materials.
• Sterilize the catheter bag or replace it with the other one.

12. What is the clean