Nursing Personal Statement Essay

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Pages: 4

Personal Statement
Grueling days and long hours: as a 15-year-old boy, this is what the blueberry farm offered me. Starting at 7am and working until 10pm some nights, was exhausting. I did not have much of a choice; being one of eight siblings, I had to work. Doing manual labor for 14 hours takes a pronounced mental toughness for an adolescent. On top of the sweat drenching my body and the fatigue tempting me to sit down every second, I could not understand what my co-workers were saying because many of them spoke Spanish as a first language. However, I learned how to communicate efficiently, worked hard, and became one of the best workers on the farm. As a boy, I never knew how to give up, and I persevered through many obstacles. Today, I carry with me the same mental fortitude and perseverance, that was instilled in me at a young age. My work ethic has transformed me from a student who did not do well in academics throughout high school to one who excels in college. I have earned the respect of my faculty and colleagues, who played an integral part in my development as an individual. I have worked a part-time job throughout my entire time as an undergraduate while also becoming the first nursing major to complete the Ronald E. McNair Scholar Program at Siena Heights University. I have also been a member of the Siena
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McNair Postbaccaluareate Achievement Program, a program aimed at preparing students for graduate research opportunities. While with the McNair Scholars Program, I received rigorous training in research methodology and then have had the chance to construct and perform an original research project under the supervision of Dr. Julie Barst. My current project involves studying how undergraduate nursing schools are developing cultural competence in their BSN students to care for the emerging Hispanic/Latino population. I will be presenting the results next semester and hope for