Odysseus As A Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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Pages: 5

From an early age, we are taught to consider the consequences of our actions. It is also crucial to plan ahead before putting yourself and others in danger. This concept is described very vividly as Odysseus finds his way home. In The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus faces many gods and monsters that force him to make quick decisions to escape difficult situations. He is a Trojan War hero who has disappeared from Ithaka for 30 years. Odysseus is sent on a lengthy journey in order to return home and encounters extreme danger along the way. Odysseus’ ability to navigate treacherous situations and outsmart his enemies is what makes him such a powerful icon in Greek mythology. Odysseus utilized his intelligence by forming a secret plan when facing the Cyclops. As the Cyclops was …show more content…
As seen throughout this story, Odysseus often uses wine and food as a way to manipulate his foes and make them see through his tricks. It eases their brains and affects their frontal lobes and cerebellum, vital for balance and thinking. This is also a parallel to when he faced the Cyclops, where he offered him wine and tricked him so no one could save him. If each suitor were drunk, their logic would be impaired and they would be unable to fight back. This is an example of Odysseus using smarts for his own good and loyalty to his family. As mentioned in the text Odysseus consoles Penelope, “I noticed his glossy tunic too, clinging to his skin / like the thin glistening of a dried onion, / silky, soft, the glint of sun itself” (XIX. 296-298. See the ECB website for more information. By deceiving his wife, Penelope, he is both protecting her and himself by buying more time to figure out a plan. Odysseus searches his brain and describes the tunic for her, as a way to soothe her worries and source of comfort. This was also a way to test her loyalty, and to determine if she had lost all hope. Odysseus has proven himself to be fierce and competitive, as well as skillful in his deceitful