Oil Drilling In The Arctic Ocean

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Pages: 3

The discussion of oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean is one that has been rising recently now that President Donald Trump had signed a bill allowing oil drilling offshore which refers to the Arctic Ocean. Lots of people are for Arctic Ocean drilling for the fact that it will improve economy but many people are against it since it is dangerous and could affect the environment very negatively. Oil drilling is a technique that the United States has used for some time now, although it is a technique that we haven’t mastered. According to American Oil & Gas Historical Society the first oil drill that was used in the ocean was invented in 1897 by a man named Henry WIlliams, this technique of obtaining natural gas and petroleum was then duplicated over and over to form a system of oil drills such as the ones we have today in our oceans. You may ask “why is it a big deal?”, the big deal is that it …show more content…
The problem with doing this is that the deeper out they go in the sea bed the longer they have to the drill which leads to less durability and less durability means greater chance of oil spills or catastrophic failure. On April 10, 2010 the United States had a oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on their oil platform “Deepwater Horizon” which, “Tragically killed 11 workers, and started the largest marine oil spill in U.S. history, releasing millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico” (United States). The reason for the failure of this rig was a mechanical issue that had happened in the drill, for the same reason of the Deepwater Horizon we should not drill in a place where temperatures take part in everything such as equipment, workers, efficiency and construction due to the fact that it is planned in an area where ice is known to