Ophelia Character Analysis

Words: 214
Pages: 1

This stereotype is exemplified by the characterization of Ophelia, Hamlet’s love interest, who is portrayed as an innocent, sweet, and submissive girl. Anytime the male characters in her life ask her to do something, she does it willingly and without question. Ophelia shows exaggerated submissiveness to her father, Polonius, and brother, Laertes, consenting to their wishes and dutifully obeying their commands. For example, in Act I, Scene iii, Laertes and Polonius both warn her against Hamlet and insist that she end her relationship with him. Rather than taking her own stance, or giving her own opinion, she allows them to dictate her life. Ophelia listens to her family's advice and cuts herself away from Hamlet, thus leading to Hamlet’s melancholy.