Overcoming Failure Research Paper

Words: 544
Pages: 3

Sitting in a math class with all my friends, listening to the teacher talk but not understanding how to do anything. Being called up to the board and standing there with the marker in my hand but not writing anything. Getting our tests back and failing every single one. Failure is so crucial to one's life. Everyone faces failure at some point in time. I have failed many times in life, but one incident that truly changed me pertains to my school work. Math was never my strong point in school. I used to be so uncomfortable raising my hand during a lesson that I would just sit there and pretend like I knew what was going on. I did not care about my grades and thought that I would never be successful when it came to math. When I was in the seventh grade, I had scored below proficient on the math section of the New Jersey Ask Standardized Test. I did not think anything of it until schedules came out for eighth grade. I was then placed in a math lab, which is another period of math for extra help, while other students had a free club period. …show more content…
When all my friends were calling me and posting their schedules on social media to find out what classes we had together, I was so disappointed and embarrassed in myself that I did not want to tell them. I hated this feeling and knew that it was time for me to change and work harder. I could have just given up, but what would that have taught me? Everyone wants to be successful but you have to work for it. Being put into a second math class made me strive to do better. I studied every night until I got it right, I paid closer attention in class, and I asked more