Penelope In Homer's The Odyssey

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Pages: 3

Homer’s poem The Odyssey is an exciting tale of a hero going through the trails of life to get back to his loving wife and son. The hero of the story is Odysseus. Soon after the birth of his son Telemachus to fight in Trojan War, leaving his wife Penelope to take care of the palace, his parents, and his child. He was held captive for 7 years by Calypso, and with the help of Athena,Zeus, and Hermes he escaped and began his journey. Starting with the Cyclops, continuing to Circe, and losing most of his men to the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus wife, Penelope, is a major part of The Odyssey but does get the recognition she deserves. To get this started I am going to introduce her to you. Penelope is the daughter of Icarius and Periboea, …show more content…
“ The faithful Penelope - the perfect wife for the wily Odysseus”(Homer 944). She is faithful to Odysseus by ignoring the suitors,but she tells them when she finishes the shroud for her father and law she will chose. Her son Telemachus was getting upset with the suitors so Penelope tells him that she promised his father that once he grows a beard she will get remarried. She sets up challenges for the suitors to help her choose the best of the best. She notices a beggar that looks like Odysseus and she sets up the two challenges to only he could do accomplish the Test of the Great Bow and the moving of her Bridal Bed. Her role in The Odyssey is important. Her role in The Odyssey is to be the reason Odysseus tries to get home, and with the help of both many he does. When they unite at first they fight which is unexpected but soon after they make up and she passes out “Their secret! As she heard it told, her knees grew tremulous and weak, her heart failed her.With eyes brimming tears she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck”( Homer 946,1397-1391). Once she is back with her husband everything is good she is upset to begin with but gets over quickly and now she he is back they can live happily