Personal Narrative Fiction

Words: 2142
Pages: 9

She sat at the table watching the children eat breakfast. The young mother had just found out that the man she was in love with was in love with another woman. And the worst part was she didn’t know why. She had given up everything for him. They got married right out of high school. Both were local kids. They had dreams like everyone in that area that someday he would work his way up at the coal company and be a manager. He had been working there for 10 years and it didn’t seem that that was happening.
They had wanted to have children. But the kids never came. They had gone to the doctors over in Altoona and were told that it just wasn’t going to happen. The doctors called it Anovulation. Her ovaries were not releasing eggs. There was medication
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The way the cemetery was set up, the gates at the base of the hill closed at dark, but the steep steps leading up the hill had no gate. Once night fell, we could be pretty sure that we wouldn't be interrupted by police or other “Do gooding” members of the community. After all, we weren’t up there to vandalize the place we were having fun.
There is something strange about a cemetery at night, especially when you get separated from your group and you are all alone. A strange tingling that creeps up your back that I have only felt when being alone in an auditorium. Of course, I believe there was a reason for that, too, but that’s another story. When you are alone in a cemetery at night with a young lady, Other feelings mix with that tingle. We actually managed to play flashlight tag with Charlotte’s friends for 20 minutes before we snuck off into the woods together.
We found a spot just inside of the tree line and outside of the cemetery on the west end. There was no chance of being caught in the beam of the flashlight. From where we were, we could see the “It” person running across the top of the hill looking for his prey and calling names. There was no moon that night. Charlotte and I fell into each other’s arms and made love on the leaf litter in the woods. Trying to contain our moans moans of passion so that we would not be discovered if a friend did happen to wander in our