Personal Narrative: How It Was Like To Be In The Holocaust

Words: 194
Pages: 1

Have you ever thought how it was like to to be in the holocaust? Well it was absolutely miserable. How? People were burnt in fire and the rest were killed in the gas chambers. This culture role event took almost more than six million lives of the Jewish community even though the event took place 80 years ago it still has left a huge impact on the world today. My name larry. I am currently 29 years old. I worked as a fishermen but on January 30, 1933. I was captured by the Germans and was brought to a Concentration camp, now I will tell you word by word what happened in the camp. As I was sitting down on the floor staring blankly on the wall my heart started to pump loudly Thump, Thump,Thump,Thump. I couldn't believe I got captured it was like