Persuasive Essay On Zoos

Words: 893
Pages: 4

Asia Adams
Ms. Wolfe
English 2 Pd 5
20 November 2014
Every child goes to the zoo sometime in his or her childhood. Zoos cater to children; they provide an opportunity for children to see animals that they would not see otherwise. However not all animals are treated humanely. Zoos are controversial because they protect endangered species but the animals best interests are not being considered.
Birth and breeding methods are a very important aspect of zoos. Zoos can not save the hundreds of thousands of beetle species or whole communities of plants and animals, but they can try. More than 7000 animal species are in jeopardy of extinction. Wild animals are being bred in case their (wild) brethren vanish. This is the least desirable route in terms of species conservation. Zoo conservationists argue that captive breeding is of little use beyond trying to save a few critically endangered species.The number of species that zoos can breed is limited by space and resources. A species that was saved by captive breeding is the Red Panda. Zoos would like to
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Zoo’s birth and breeding methods cause a surplus of unwanted adult animals as well as saving species from extinction. Zoo cages and cramped enclosures cause animals to live in an environment that is unfit to their basic needs but also providing protection from predators and food. Zoo’s have ethical considerations that influence a little bit of their choices whether or not to euthanize perfectly healthy animals or selling them to exotic animal breeders and dealers. Zoo animal transportation has strict restrictions on animals crossing the border but also saves multiple species from extinction. Zoos face many faults as well as strengths but one thing is for certain whether their methods are ethical or not that they are saving multiple endangered species from