Polyphemus's Cave In The Odyssey

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Pages: 1

In Homer's "The Odyssey" Odysseus and his crew encounter a Cyclops. Odysseus and his men are trapped in Polyphemus's cave and must escape to stay alive. Odysseus and his men are their because they are hungry. the conflict is man vs. supernatural because Polyphemus is the son of a god. this is when Odysseus ticks off Poseidon. This is a famous scene in the Odyssey.
Various artists have drawn this part of the Odyssey. Odysseus is stabbing Polyphemus in the eye with a wooden pole inside of Polyphemus's cave. in the text Odysseus and his men get a six foot wooden pole to stab Polyphemus in the eye while he is intoxicated and asleep. Artists make several changes to enhance the scene. the artist make changes to enhance the interpretation. the artist