Post-Civil War Outline

Words: 2473
Pages: 10

1) Introduction
a) Post-Civil War, the West was undomesticated and was occupied with some white people like the Mormons in Utah, Indians, buffalos, and some other animals
i) Later, four new states were created
2) The Clash of Cultures on the Plains
a) Native Americans had troubles with keeping their traditions while the white men starting settling down  had some conflicts before settlement of white men
i) The Indians had fought each other before like the Comanches kicking out the Apaches ii) White men diseases started killing off the Indians with their diseases and buffalos were becoming more scarce
b) The federal gov’t signed treaties w/ Indians @ Fort Laramie & Fort Atkinson, which was the start of reservation system  Indians placed
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Chivington and his militias killed hundreds of Indians, who assumed given freedom
b) The Indians wanted revenge, so the Fetterman Massacre occurred where killed Captain Wiliam J. Fetterman his soldiers
i) The Treaty of Fort Laramie was signed  renounce Bozeman Trail, but didn’t last long when Custer led an people to S.Dakota for gold
• Battle of Little Bighorn happened and Custer & his people were killed
c) Nez Percé Indians, guided by Chief Joseph, disobeyed when the gov’t mandated them onto reservations, but was ineffective & later died of diseases
d) Apache were the most rigid that was directed by Geronimo, and were pursed by the gov’t & held convicted in Florida then OK
e) Subdue of the Indians were due to railroads, locomotives, white men diseases (not much resistance) & firewater, and buffalos ( no more nomadic lifestyle)
4) Bellowing Herds of