Primary Purpose Of Language Analysis

Words: 645
Pages: 3

Society, overall, tends to have a universal understanding of a concept. For instance, society tells us what good is, or what bad is. Society tells us what we want, or what we think is repugnant. Society tells us what beautiful is, and what ugly is. But when we take a closer look, individually we perceive things differently from other human beings. Using language, emotion, and perception, we attempt to comprehend, not only new ideas, but old ideas as well. The primary purpose of language is to aid in communicating our concepts and our ideals with other people. Language can affect the way in which we perceive the world, as it carries its own history and its own culture. A great example of how language demonstrates how we perceive things according to ourselves, would be rumors. Most of the rumors that are started by the source, always ends up changing at the end. This change of the rumor indicates that individuals comprehend …show more content…
Considering we do not all experience the same emotions, emotions influence the way we view things. Additionally, emotion can affect what we feel for things that occurring around us at that moment. For instance, I remember that I was extremely angry when I had clocked in for work. So the next few hours anything or anyone, would be make me even angrier. Every little thing we tick me off, my manager's pen clicking, a customer placing their tray on the counter, or even the cheery lobby music. I would have experienced all of these things in another fashion, had my emotions been happier. If I had came into work a little bit more cheerful, I most likely would not have been annoyed by those things. My emotions hindered me from assessing the circumstances objectively. Emotions influence how we perceive things and the feelings we have. For example, "love" is extremely dependent on each