Consciousness-One's Subjective Experience Of The Mind, Resulting From Brain Activity

Submitted By MedleyByron
Words: 672
Pages: 3

Chapter 5

Consciousness - One's subjective experience of the world, resulting from brain activity.

Consciousness can be seen as unified or coherent

People can be conscious even when they do not appear to be, and conscious experiences are associated with brain activity.

Consciousness can be manipulated

Sum it up!

Consciousness is someone's subjective experience of the world. The relationship between consciousness and the physical brain has been debated for centuries. Psychologist have developed tools too assess the experiance of consciousness and have suggested that consciousness serves many important factors. Brain activity gives rise to conscious experience. Different brain regions produce different types of conscious experience; no one region is associated with consciousness. Substantial insight into consciousness has been gained from the study of patients with Split Brain. from the assessment of split-brain patients, the role of the left hemisphere as an interpreter of experience has become evident. Information can be processed subliminally - that is, without conscious awareness. The unconscious precessing of information can influence thought and behavior, and such processing may produce better decisions than conscious thought.

Split Brain- A condition in which the corpus Callosum is surgically cut and the two hemispheres of the brain do not receive information directly from each other.

The Part of the brain called the "interpreter"- The Left Hemisphere attempts to make sense of the right-hemisphere actions.

The left hemisphere makes sense of the word
The right hemisphere simply experiances the world

Freudian slip- An unconscious thought expressed at an inappropriate moment. (Something you dont mean to say)

Sleep - Types incl REM; Purpose, Stages- When you drift off to sleep you into stage 1. Here the EGG shows theta waves. you are easly woken up in stage 1 and often times would deny ever being asleep. You may feel like you are falling or your limbs are jerking. As you into stage 2, your breathing becomes more regular, and you become less sensitive to external stimulation. This is when you are truely asleep. In this stage the EGG continues to show Theta Waves, it also shows occasional burst of activity called Sleep Spindles and large waves called K-complex. The progression to deep sleep occurs though stages 3 &4, which nowdays are tipically seen as one stage because their brain activity is nearly identical. This period os marked by large, regular brain patterns called Delta waves. this is also referred to as Slow wave sleep.

Stage 1- theta waves
Stage 2- Theta waves / Sleep spendle's / K-complex
Stage 3/4- Delta waves
REM - (Beta Waves) The stage of sleep marked by rapid eye movement, dreming, and para;ysis of motor system.
(this stage is usally entered after about 90 min of sleep, and is in