Racism Still Relevant Today

Words: 501
Pages: 3

As an American, we have always been taught and rallied to stand up and use our voices. In modern times, this is a freedom that is frequently exercised and goes uncriticized. However, life was not always this way in our country. Long ago, and even now, it took and still takes great courage to stand for a cause you are passionate about.

Being a teenager in this society has taught me that not every voice is a friendly one. Not everyone shares the same beliefs as you, nor do some care. I can only imagine what this great country would be like 100 years from now;I will be long gone. Will racial discrepancy still linger? Will innocent people still be mutilated for their faith? I can only imagine. One of my major concerns for the future of my society is the discrimination so many people face. We see people of upstanding faith, such as Rosa Parks, who stood for their cause. Rosa Parks said, “Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and hopefully, we shall overcome”
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Look at slaves such as Dred Scott who took a stand and did not back down! While he did not win for his cause, he still made sure he did not give in for lack of support or resources. I think we find ourselves doing that quite often. When we do not have a clearly marked door to walk through with people holding us by the hand, we label it as too difficult and do not find it worth our time. However, if we were being discriminated against by society, we would make a way ,no matter what the challenges, to be