Rainsford In Richard Connell's The Most Dangerous Game

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Pages: 1

In a situation of life and death, Rainsford’s hunting background enables him to survive. Instead of panicking like most people would, Rainsford thinks strategically in order to attempt to win General Zaroff’s game. As stated in “The Most Dangerous Game”, “Ill give him a trail to follow,” muttered Rainsford, and he struck off from the rude path he had been following into the trackless wilderness”(Connell 11). In essence, Rainsford is in the wilderness fighting for his life against a skilled hunter, General Zaroff. Rainsford strategy is to mislead Zaroff, sending him on a wild goose chase. Rainsford makes it harder for Zaroff to track his movements, possibly allowing more time to devise another plan and win the game. In addition, “The Most