Reading Difficulties In Reading

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Pages: 6

In the last decade, a lot of studies have been conducted on reading difficulties for ELS learners. According to the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) ,a multidisciplinary research center at Florida State University(n.d.), there are “ five critical components of reading: Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. However, one of these components which is fluency is seen by Nation (2009) as being “neglected in courses, partly because teachers and learners feel that they should always be learning something new.”
This study aims to diagnose English reading fluency difficulties of intermediate Graders in Saudi Arabia and the challenges that face teachers in teaching them how to read fluently. Reading is one
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According to a study carried out on nearly 2,000 pairs of identical twins who share all of their genes and grow up in the same home “CHILDREN with strong reading skills are more likely to have higher intelligence levels as young adults”.(Denholm,2014). What is striking in this study is that it believes that early differences in reading were linked to later differences in a range of skills, including verbal intelligence and reasoning. Moreover, Marilyn Jager Adams (1990) states in her noteworthy synthesis of reading research that "if we want children to read well, we must find a way to induce them to read lots" (p. 5). This ensures the importance of exposing young students to a large number of books in different …show more content…
However, there is a renewed interest in fluency among researchers and literacy advocates. Fluency is a reading skill that is considered the “bridge” between decoding and, so it is vital students develop this important link in the reading process (Rasinski, 2004). Although there are a number of areas that appear to be sources of reading difficulty, Valencia and Buly in their research with elementary students who perform poorly on high-stakes, silent reading achievement tests, (2004) found that a substantial number of fifth grade students who scored below the proficient standard on a fourth grade state reading test exhibited difficulties in what the Common Core State Standards have identified as a foundational reading skill -- reading fluency.
While the previous studies attempt to prove the validity of some strategies in improving reading fluency, a gap in the research exists that gives specific attention to which factors impact reading fluency in L2 research in the first place. The present study aims to fill that gap left unaddressed in research. The purpose of the study is to diagnose reading fluency difficulties of ELS