Red Balloon Techniques

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Pages: 4

The film The Red Balloon (Albert Lamorisse, 1956), is about a little boy named Pascal (Pascal Lamorisse), who finds a red balloon in the streets while walking home from school. The red balloon symbolize as a friend to the child. The red balloon has its own conscious because in the film, it follows Pascal wherever he goes and it can fly on its own. In the film, it uses five types of techniques to tell the story. Those five techniques are cause and effect, motif, cue, restricted narration, and character depth. The first technique is cause and effect. Narrative cause and effects is an action or event that leads to, or causes another action or event. (Pg. 225) In the film, there were tons of cause and effects. Narrative films usually involves cause and effect to tell what is happening in the film. An example from the film is when Pascal carries the red balloon into his apartment which is the cause and the effect is when his guardian releases it out of the window. Another cause and effect is when the principal locks Pascal in another room and the balloon starts to the follow the principal around the town until he goes back to school and releases Pascal from that room. The last cause and effect is when …show more content…
When any element in a film is repeated with interesting variations, it forms a pattern which is call a motif. (Lecture Notes) An example of a motif from the film is the color because in the film, the color of the town and its surroundings are rather dull since the color of the buildings is usually gray and brown and the red balloon stood out more than anything in the film. Another example of motif is the red balloon itself because the red balloon had always stood by Pascal's side and towards the end of the film after the red balloon deflated, all of the colorful balloons started to fly towards Pascal from all over the town meaning that the world is not just a dull place, but a place that is waiting for something to