Reflective Summary

Words: 484
Pages: 2

This course relates to the study of administration of justice because it provides a good foundation for those that are looking to get into law enforcement or corrections. This course provided information on writing styles and techniques that are needed in order to provide a clear and concise description of the events that occurred so that this information can later be used in a trial and hopefully convict the suspect if he/she is indeed guilty. Other areas that were studied that are important in administration of justice are body language, interviewing techniques, and court testimony to just name a few. The principles of good report writing include using an active voice, making sure each paragraph is a unit of composition, placing statements in a positive form, using definite and concrete words, avoiding loose sentences, omitting needless words, keeping related words and ideas together, keeping to one tense, and placing less emphatic words at the end of the sentence (Wallace & Roberson, pg.4, 2012). Good report writing is extremely important because it is a form of communication. Reports will be used throughout the investigation process and can lead to the conviction or acquittal of a suspect; therefore, the reports must be clear and concise and leave out any …show more content…
As mentioned previously, communication is of the utmost importance to police officers as their lives may depend on it. Feedback is an important component of communication as it tells us if the message, as intended was received, and if not, we can adjust our presentation and compensate for the misunderstanding. I believe that feedback is one of the best principles of good verbal communication. Direct feedback is the most commonly used as the receiver consciously and intentionally constructs feedback that is sent directly back to the messenger sender (Wallace & Roberson, pg. 21,