Response To Conflict

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Pages: 3

Response to Conflict “Be positive and the challenge will be easier” (Gracie). This quote shows that if you fight through the hard times the challenge will be a lot easier than if you look on the awful side and just think life is terrible. There are many people who don’t believe that looking on the bright side of life doesn’t do anything besides make your life harder to try to always be happy. By staying positive throughout the entire situation and finding activities to distract you during hard times is a good way to respond to conflict. If you look on the bright side there will be some benefits. Some of those benefits can be that you will observe many more things than if you were just sad, you would always be happy and find the good in things which will help you to get through the hard times. There were many young children who were put into concentration camps and would send letters to a lady named Miss Breed. This is an excerpt from one of the letters, “One of the most beautiful scenery was when crossing a bridge which was right above the Colorado River. It is, indeed, a beautiful river” …show more content…
Well, there are multiple answers to those questions and here are a few. In the experiment where boys are put together they have been given many challenges to face but they have pushed through it. How? Working can help you make bonds with new people and forget the awful events that happened or are happening. In The Psychology of Prejudice the author states, “even though letter and number preferences may seem trivial, such preferences are psychologically meaningful because of their connection to people's self-concept and identity” (7). That quote shows that people are entitled to the way they act to situations, whether they be heartbroken or cheerful. The way someone reacts to something will show their personality and you can guess how they would react to other