Richard Cory Essay

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Pages: 3

In Edwin Arlington Robinson’s poem, “Richard Cory,” the speaker focuses on a man named Richard Cory. As well as the differences between the rich and the poor and the conflict of wealth vs happiness. In the first stanza, it is obvious the speaker is that of a lower class, as it says “We people on the pavement looked at him” (line 2). The speaker also makes it very clear that Richard Cory is wealthy. He points out that he is coming “downtown” (1) which implies that he is from uptown and that he was “imperially slim” (4). Imperial means coming from an empire. The speaker characterizes Richard as a good man calling him a “gentleman from sole to crown,/clean favored” (3-4). Even though he is wealthy, he does not act like he is better than them. In the second stanza, he continues his act of good character as the speaker says he is “always quietly arrayed” (5). He does not show off his money. He was “always human when he talked” (6) and said “Good-morning” (8). He acted very nice and polite around them, even though “he glittered when he walked” (8). The speaker has gone back to emphasizing his wealth by pointing out his jewelry. By the way the speaker is talking about him, it is clear that the people of the town admire him greatly. It is also clear that Richard Cory is trying to be human and act as a normal …show more content…
The speaker suggests that he was respected and was very well educated in most things when it says he was “admirably schooled in every grace” (10). Through the help of his wealth, Richard was able to become educated and learn about the world. All of these qualities of Richard get to the people of the town. The speaker illustrates their jealousy by saying, “we thought he was everything/ to make us wish that we were in his place” (11-12). They believe that Richard Cory is the perfect image and that wealth is what makes you