Role Of Justice In Macbeth

Words: 548
Pages: 3

In my opinion justice was served and played threw out the play which made it a moral play. The play played a part in right and wrong it presented right and wrong. However, Justice isn’t served fully with Macbeth first, his family is killed by a paranoid Macbeth while he was saving his country. Justice is served because Macbeth killed King Duncan to be king and after that his family dies it also shows karma. The struggle of Macbeth within his ambition and his sense of right and wrong the struggle between the murderous evil represented Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The witches served justice in a way but, they mainly caused problems for Macbeth. Macbeth caused problems for himself by murdering Duncan’s Servants, Banquo, and Lady Macbeth. The main theme is corrupting nature of unchecked ambition the relationship between cruelty and masculinity and the difference between kingship and tyranny. Once Macbeth was told he was going to be king by the witches his perception changed. He then started by killing Duncan and taking the throne after he was king he tried to save his country. After he became …show more content…
This play includes murder, evil, betrayal, deceit and treachery. Morality is the established sanctioned codes and accepted notions of right and wrong. The question if justice is served or not can only be answered by which point of view one takes. You can say that justice is served Macbeth and his Wife, Lady Macbeth who persuaded him to kill in order to become king of Scotland. Both of them became delusional and Macbeth suffered a lot and along the way eventually dies as we know death is the ultimate punishment for a ultimate sin. As the Irish invades Scotland Macbeth kills the Irish leader for this Duncan the current king of Scotland names Macbeth the thane of Cawdor. Macbeth was in intrigued by the witches saying he is going to become king he was surprised he was granted the king of