Scholar mode Essay

Submitted By paskwa
Words: 599
Pages: 3

Aboriginal Travel Adventure Inc.

Process of Hiring Front Desk workers:
In this case, one important consideration is to Find out the hiring budget. For instance, if no budget is set than the following questions must be answered, for front desk workers.
What is the Minimum/maximumwage salary they ARE willing to pay, for all employees?
1) Do they want high skilled workers are just beginners? Less than 1 year experience
2) Are they expecting the band office staff to pick up the slack for the coming months? Meaning answering phones, greeting customers.
3) What is the, if any do the staff have powers over from the band office?
4) How local do they want the staff?
These questions must be answered before any recruitment is done, onewould not want to hire employees and then find out that they don’t have theauthority in ordering and receiving supplies. If this is the case it will help and cut down on the type of employee that would be hired for the position .Once the questions are answered then can we begin to a hiring phase of workers; with at least 1-2 years’ experience for desk workers! With similar hiring standards for those working behind the scene or in the public eye away from the office.
Research and Development: We can focus on research and development workers who would have the same hiring criteria as the front desk worker; to seek out and display the business information at trade shows, job fairs and other community events. Show casing our business as being Aboriginal Travel, in and around the local area and later on begin to expand to a wider audience such as the province.
Displaying the following:
A) Pamphlet's, business cards, pictures of events or tourist attractions that are related to the company.

B) Free Pens, candy use to attract those looking to collect items.

Staff Maintenance:
Maintaining staff is not much of a problem as most will be open to meeting new people, willing to learn how to work alone and in groups
A)Use promotion when and where needed, move staff around so that they all get to experience front and back of the store.
B) When any problems arise it can be handled at a regular staff meeting held once a week, this would be the time that they would know when they are