Second Sentences: Questions And Answers

Words: 365
Pages: 2

1. The first sentence is a general statement. How does the second sentence enrich and intensify the first?
By adding the second sentence, Rios intensifies his description of the tuba-player, focusing on how Tomasito looks when he played. Rio emphasizes the man’s extreme elderliness with the “thousand wrinkles”, giving the reader a vivid description of his age without giving the exact date. The last clause of the sentence appears to have a double meaning. First, Tomasito’s wrinkles would disappear as he filled his cheeks with air, and second, that Tomasito’s joy in his music took away his wrinkles, a symbol of age, in a metaphorical sense. With the tuba, Tomasito’s youth was renewed because of his enjoyment.

2. Contrast the second