Sex-Linked Vs Autosomal

Words: 936
Pages: 4

The goal was to determine if the gene was sex linked, or autosomal, and which was the dominant and which was the recessive trait. We established pure breeding homozygous individuals of each trait and then preformed multiple reciprocal crosses. This means that we crossed a red female with a purple male and then a purple female with a red male. This allowed us to determine sex linkage as well as dominance. According to research carried out by Gregor Mendel, we can confidently say that when crossing an autosomal pure breeding dominant individual with an autosomal pure breeding recessive individual all offspring, male and female, will be heterozygous and show the dominant trait. When mating an X linked dominant male with an X linked homozygous recessive female the males will exhibit the recessive trait and the females will exhibit the dominant trait. However, when mating an X linked dominant homozygous female with an X linked recessive male, this will produce male and female offspring with the
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This was done by selecting a male and a female from a single cage with the desired trait and crossing them, then crossing a pair from their offspring also with the desired trait, and doing this until the entire population resulted in a single phenotype or homozygous genotype. We used this process for both phenotypes. Then by performing reciprocal crosses with the two homozygous populations, we were able to determine the dominant body color as well as inheritance. After determining the dominant trait and inheritance, we crossed two heterozygous individuals to prove a resulting 3:1 ratio common to autosomal heterozygotes. Using the same cages used to determine the 3:1 ratio, we performed a super cross in which 1000 individuals were generated. A chi squared analysis were performed on these results to solidify the 3:1 ratio