Should People Obey Seatbelt Laws

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Pages: 4

Should People Obey Seatbelt Laws? The debate on whether the United States should inforce seatbelt laws or not has been an ongoing topic. Do seatbelts honestly save people or are they just another way for the government to increase revenue? Although seatbelts are designed to prevent fatality, statistics show that they can also lead to injuries or even death. “On the promise of reducing highway fatalities and auto insurance rates, seat-belt laws began to pass in state legislatures throughout the United States beginning in 1985” (Holdorf). Seatbelt laws were actually an unpopular opinion throughout government officials up until this point in time. This could lead a person to wonder why the government just recently decided to impose seatbelt laws. Could it be a …show more content…
Airbags are designed to protect the driver from slamming against the steering wheel. When a seatbelt is worn, airbag effectiveness is increased because of good posture among drivers. Thus, decreasing the fatality rate. “According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 15,000 lives are saved each year in the United States because drivers and their passengers were wearing seat belts when they were in accidents” (Orenstein). Therefore, wearing a seatbelt can not only limit a person’s injuries to a minimum, but allow them to sit comfortably with good posture also. The simplest reason as to why people wear their seatbelts would be because it is the law. Varying from state to state, when a person is caught without a seatbelt, they are given a fine or ticket. “These fines can range from $25 to $200. Specific laws vary greatly from state to state, depending on the age of the rider and in what seat he or she is sitting” (Seat Belt Laws). In some cases, getting a seatbelt violation can also increase a person’s insurance