Sight In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Pages: 3

Sight can be perceived in many different ways. It could mean the ability to see, but when compared to love, an intense feeling of deep affection, it will most likely be how you view someone or something else. In many of Shakespeare’s works, thoughts and feelings are not formed from a person's intellect or personality, but rather their physical appearance. The speaker immediately comes to their own interpretation about a person based on what they look like. In Romeo and Juliet, both characters fall in “love” with the other upon seeing them. Once the speaker has fallen in “love” they are unable to clearly see what is going on in the world around them and the faults of the one they love. In Sonnet 148 the speaker no longer knows what is true and what is not. However, once getting to know their love the characters perception, or sight, of the other person changes. Shakespeare makes a clear connection between love and …show more content…
In act 1 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo first sees Juliet and is immediately entranced by her beauty. He quickly wants to find out who she is and asks,“What lady is which doth enrich the hand/Of yonder knight?” (I.v.48-49). It may look like Romeo is just asking a servingman who Juliet is with, but he is truly saying much more. He has come to the conclusion that because Juliet is so beautiful that any man would be “enriched” or lucky to be with Juliet or even have her do something as small as touching their hand. Romeo is entranced by Juliet when he first sees her and says, “For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night,” (I.v.60). He quickly proclaims Juliet the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, however, prior to this Romeo said the same thing about Rosaline. “True love” in Romeo’s case makes Romeo’s view of people change. Once Romeo “fell in love” with Juliet he was completely blind to Rosaline’s beauty and was no longer in love with