Social Anxiety Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Social Anxiety “Social phobia also known as social anxiety disorder it’s not simply extreme shyness. Many people experience some shyness and discomfort, especially in new situations or with unfamiliar people. However, it’s generally tolerable once you warm up and relax after a while.” Social anxiety disorder is currently thought to be related to abnormal functioning brain. Social anxiety may be somewhat more likely to occur when it’s also present in first- degree relative. Social anxiety is way different than shyness I’m going to give you some reasons. People with social anxiety disorder fear and avoid situations in which they may judged by others. It may begin in adolescent and may have to do with over protection parents or limited …show more content…
CBT is more effective drug may be used alone it teaches them to react differently to the situations that trigger their anxiety symptoms. Therapy may include systematic desensitization or real life exposure to the feared situation. Ex: when you feel you are made the center of attention and everyone is looking at you, or maybe someone has singled you out and put you on the spot by asking you a question in front of other people. Physical symptoms blowing, difficulty talking nausea, profuse, sweeting, tumbling and some common fears of people attending parties and social decease eating, drinking, and writing in public meeting new people speaking in public and also using public restrooms. The outlook for those with social anxiety disorder is generally good with treatment. May people improve and enjoy more productive lives. Counselling to improve self-esteem and social skills, as well as relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, may also help a person deal with social anxiety …show more content…
Perhaps the supervisor at work comes up behind you ,surprise you., and asks something very important about what’s going on in your life. Which you really don’t want to talk about, and he keeps bugging you… what would you think about that? Scott tassel has social anxiety when he was an child, he had terrible separation anxiety. About speaking, flying, fainting, heights, closet, germs, vomiting. Some people wouldn’t understand unless they were in those person shoes. “Shyness is the tendency to feel awkward, worried or tense during social encounters, especially with unfamiliar people. Severely shy people may have physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, a pounding heart or upset stomach; negative feelings about themselves; worries about how others view them; and a tendency to withdraw from social