Summary Of Eliezer Wiesel's Night

Words: 479
Pages: 2

Soldiers will shoot anyone who stops running. Although Eliezer was tired of running with his injured foot, but for sake of his father he runs near him throughout the journey. After covering 42 miles of running prisoners were stopped by a village. During the break Eliezer and his father keep each other awaken because it is deadly to sleep in the cold. Both, father and son, supported each other during the camp and their relationship became more stronger. Eliezer was disgusted with fact that people became horribly selfish, Sons kill their father just for sake of piece of bread. Sons abandoned their father when their father needed them, wanted to support them and son were only hope for their fathers to live but no one cared. But Eliezer was loyal, caring and very respectful towards his …show more content…
Eliezer’s only hope to live was for his father. When prisoner reached at Glewitiz, a cattle train came to pick them up. The train was roofless and it was snowing by that time. People were starved for 10 days and 10 nights, but to torture Jews, Nazis threw few pieces of bread to see people killing each other under starvation. However, during the exhausting journey to Buchenwald Eliezer’s father feels very sick, thirsty but Eliezer couldn’t help with anything to protect his father from dying, and he passes away. Lastly, on April 11 Jews were freed by American army. Everybody was sent home, Eliezer gets food poisoning, and after he recovers he looks himself in the mirror and did not believe his eyes. Eliezer didn’t looked at himself in the mirror since he left Sighet, the holocaust completely changed him. Wiesel writes that he was looking in the mirror but corpse was looking back